If you want to receive files regularly, you may be looking for a way to do this as easily as possible. Look no further, because at Smartlockr we have the solution for you: an upload request.
With an upload request you can indicate exactly which files you want to receive, in which format and from whom. You do not have to worry about unsolicited files, this is prevented by error messages.
Do you want to know more about this handy tool? Then continue reading!
The ease of receiving documents
If you often receive documents it can be tough to keep an overview. Not only do you have to control the stream of incoming documents. It’s also important that you receive the right documents. It would be quite annoying for both the uploader and the receiver, to do the same actions twice, unnecessarily.
Smartlockr makes it possible to send out upload requests, to those you are expecting documents from. This functionality is built in the Outlook-environment and integrates with your current email client. Therefore it is user-friendly: with an upload request you can ask for documents, aimed at the right person(s). But, that’s not just it: Smartlockr can make this request very specific.
Always receive the right documents safely with Smartlockr
The request will be sent via e-mail. In the new version it’s possible to ask for specific document types. Are you, for example, a recruiter and do you wish to receive CVs as a PDF-file? Or do you prefer to receive client files in a .xls format? No problem, you can easily set this in the request.
And the benefits for the uploader? There are several:
1. The uploader knows which documents are required and what the maximum file size is allowed
2. Only the required documents can be uploaded
The system is advanced, so it can detect when the uploader tries to send an unrequested file. Let's go back to the example of the recruiter. You would like to receive a copy of an ID, as an image and the CV in PDF. The uploader succesfully selects the image, but gets an error when trying to add the CV as a .doc file : The system will give an error and a notification that one of the selected documents is not the one that meet the requirements of the upload request. The document should be a PDF file, with a maximum size of 97.656 MB.
3. It is not necessary to install additional software
Are you not sure if the uploader also uses Smartlockr? No worries! The upload request provided by Smartlockr makes sure that documents will be send safely.
Working with an uploadrequest has benefits., for both the receiver as for the uploader. It makes sure that the receiver always receives the right documents. And this means that the uploader knows that the right documents have been sent. It's a win-win situation! By making it possible to communicate from a completely secured environment, Smartlockr will be more user-friendly. But this is only a fraction of the new features which we are offering you in our new version.
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