Behind the scenes we are working hard on our latest product version, V4. To keep you informed of all developments, from now on we will share a new or updated feature every Friday in our "Feature Friday." This Friday: email body encryption.
Data encryption and data security have become more or less synonymous. And it is important that data is protected from third parties, and only remains visible to those for whom it is intended. But there are many different types of encryption and different solutions to the problem of data security.
For the secure sending and receiving of data, we offer end-to-end encryption, where the encryption relates to the attachments of an email. The attachments are sent encrypted and only the authorized recipient has access to these attachments. The email body is not (yet) secured, which means that the email itself is not sent encrypted. But, that is one of the biggest innovations that V4 will have.
Secure your email messages and/or attachments, no extra clicking, right from your own familiar Outlook environment. Try Smartlockr now!
Email Body Encryption with Smartlockr
More than 150 million emails are sent worldwide every day. An organisation doesn’t always have adequate control over how many of these emails contain personal data and/or other confidential information.
This is a good reason to choose to automatically send all emails with Smartlockr Secure email without any additional impact to your existing work flow.
With email body encryption in our new version comes a new level of security, and an improved way of communicating. The end-to-end encryption that previously only related to the attachments now also applies to the content of the email. \
Emailing is not only more secure, but also much more user-friendly. The sender can send an email, with possibly privacy-sensitive information, and not have to worry about the content becoming visible to third parties.
Organizations that make extensive use of the email not only to share privacy-sensitive attachments but also to communicate via email, can now also use email as a fully secured communication channel.

Body encryption of Smartlockr V4, therefore, offers both encryption of the attachments and the content of the email itself. Data is secured from start to finish. Whether you share it in the attachment or as the text of the email itself: in both cases, your message will be encrypted.
Benefits of a secure emailing solution
Communicate securely with your costumes, partners, other relations via an encrypted channel;
Comply with GDPR regulations;
Increase employee awareness and;
Lower the chance of a data leak, which can have major consequences for your organization.
Data protection together with employee awareness is the key to a safe, secure, and GDPR compliant communication environment.
How can you ensure email security?
A good place to start is to see how you can better comply with GDPR regulations. Use your local data protection agencies, such as the ICO in the U.K., as resources to help you protect your organization against data breaches. An email security provider will also help you a lot in reaching the goals of data protection and data breach prevention.
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